International business phone numbers

We provide companies all over the world with phone numbers in more than 145 countries. From Afghanistan to Zimbabwe. Everything from local, toll-free or freephone, universal toll-free to shared cost and some premium-rate numbers.

Our powerful web portal lets you establish your international numbers using voice over IP (VoIP) or the public switched telephone network (PSTN) and configure them to ring your PBX, landline or mobile – anywhere in the world. Or you can use them to drive any of the powerful, bolt-on Callagenix solutions like emergency information lines.

At Callagenix, we've got your international number!


International Numbers

Let our international numbers unlock the power of your business with solutions like:

  • “Follow the sun” international sales and support lines.
  • Emergency and DR lines for staff and clients.
  • Brochure & marketing lines.
  • International conference call services.
  • International fax to email services